Saturday, July 16, 2016

Moving to Medium

Hello Dear Readers,

Today I'm making the move over to Medium.

This will be the last post I make on blogger, but all the old links will stay active.


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mom's Icosahedrons

Mom is a nurse with the Red Cross. Recently she took up the hobby of stringing together syringe-cover tubes to make icosahedrons (30 tubes and 1 piece of string):
I couldn't figure out how she managed each of the tubes being run through exactly twice, so I had her show me when I was out for a visit. I made mental notes so later I could put this assembly guide together:

When the lesson concluded, she insisted I take enough tubes home so I could make a "Mom mobile." While the icosahedrons have been assembled pretty much since I got home, today I finally hung them up with cotton string and disposable bamboo chopsticks:

This was a fun project. I'm ecstatic to find Mom has the same affinity for 3D geometry that I first started exploring when I was 7. Apparently all she needed to get going was a combination of Pinterest and a preponderance of disposable tubes.